Studies and Workshops

Parking Benefits District 2013

Houston Chronicle, December 12, 2012

"The plan will add parking meters on about 350 spaces along Washington, and will make it easier for residents to require parking permits on sleepy side streets. The district extends one block on either side of Washington between Westcott and Houston Avenue."

Establishment of the Washington Ave Parking Benefits District has resulted in a facilitated process for residents in adjacent neighborhoods to have on-street parking spaces designated as "Residential Parking Only".



Livable Centers 2012     

May 03, 2011
The Civic Associations of SN22, impacted by redevelopment along the Washington Avenue corridor, have contributed financial support to steer the city of Houston toward long-range solutions that could redefine the area as a "liveable center."
Assisting this effort through Better Houston, former city Councilmember and Mayoral candidate Peter Brown said: "The livable centers study can provide a vision for the area and a set of design standards needed to achieve it. The developers all want this. They want standards. They want predictability."

SWA Group Summer Interns 2008

The first week of the Summer Intern Program focused on inventory, analysis, and visioning for Super Neighborhood 22.
The week began with a tour of the entire neighborhood, as well as the adjacent central business district. During this visit, the interns familiarized themselves with the character of each neighborhood within SN22, as well as major roads and intersections. Based on their initial site visit, the students determined four key areas of focus: history and demographics, transportation, land use, and natural systems.

Area Planning Workshop 2007

A three session exercise to engage area residents in preliminary planning for improved livability as the Washington corridor gains residential density and a revitalized commercial and entertainment district.