Super Neighborhood 22
The current meeting agenda and most recent past meeting minutes will be available here prior to monthly meetings.
Email to be added to our distribution.
January 16
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
June 19
July 17
August 21
September - No Meeting
October 16
November 20
December 18
To learn more review the Harris County Flood Control Demonstration Project PRESENTATION.
Click to learn about the plans for PLANTING AND REFORESTATION.
Rayburn: New plan needed to restore Buffalo Bayou Houston Chronicle - November 13, 2014
Learn how the proposed Dallas/Houston High Speed Rail (HSR) route selection may impact several of SN22's constituent neighborhoods. Representatives from Texas Central Railway (TCR) presented information and heard comments at the First Ward Civic Council meeting on November 11th, presented at the December 18th SN22 meeting, and again in the Garden Oaks SN12 area on January 5th.
Houston Chronicle coverage of the First Ward meeting HERE
Review considered and preferred route maps, and post your comments HERE.
For a video illustration of why infrastructure necessary for HSR is not appropriate in, or adjacent to, established neighborhoods VIEW.
A request from the Woodlands for reconsideration of the non-preferred !H45 Route HERE.
A report from affected counties along HSR preferred routes HERE, and an editorial from Montgomery County HERE.
FRA public comment period ended on Jan 9, 2015. Comments may still be submitted however. Download comment form HERE.
View the TCR presentation from the December SN22 meeting HERE.
View the community prepared slide show from the December SN22 meeting HERE.
See KPRC Channel 2 coverage of the SN22 meeting HERE. Coverage of the SN12 meeting HERE. Chronicle Gray Matters OpEd HERE.
Read City Councilmember comment letters Ellen Cohen, Ed Gonzalez, Brenda Stardig.
Read The SN22 Council's comment letter HERE.
The Neighborhood Greenways Committee has completed, and begun to present a bikeway concept for Patterson Street that would link 3 neighborhood parks to the Buffalo and White Oak Bayou trail systems through the West End and Magnolia Grove neighborhoods. This proposal is detailed in a presentation that has been added for review on the Projects / Committees page.
Robert L. Rayburn, President of the Bayou Preservation Association, recently released a letter addressed to the BPA Board of Directors, Advisory Board, Watershed Representatives, BPA members, and friends of the bayous.
The Buffalo Bayou Memorial Park Demonstration Project.
Please visit: for a more thorough understanding of the project plan.
Follow us on Facebook: Houston - Super Neighborhood #22
The Shell Center for Sustainability recently released the Houston Community Sustainability and the Quality of Life Atlas
This comprehensive look at the area based on Superneighborhoods, and is available for review HERE
Presentations from the related symposium are also able to viewed or downloaded HERE
The Washington Cultural Arts District dedication event was held April 12, 2014.
For more info on the newly recognized Arts District in SN22 visit:
A recent COH Citizen's Net E-news provides information that may be of interest to some SN22 property owners:
Learn How Neighborhoods Can Apply for Tools to Retain their Residential Character. Last spring, new development rules were adopted that will allow developers to build additional housing on smaller lots than are typically found in most suburban style neighborhoods. This will increase the availability of housing in the city and provide residents with more housing options. However, if your neighborhood is residential and would like to retain its larger lot character, the City adopted tools to help. These tools include the ability for residential areas to preserve the existing lot size or building line character of the area providing there are no deed restrictions that address building line or lot size on the lots they seek to protect. These tools are commonly used in areas to prevent the further subdivision of lots for townhome style developments.
More information about these tools can be found online.
Meetings are typically scheduled for the third Thursday of each month, but may be cancelled for holidays or seasonal breaks. SN22 meetings are conducted in person at Messiah Lutheran Church in the fellowship hall at 816 Roy Street, Houston, TX 77007. Parking is available across the street at 5103 Rose Street.
Call to order is at 6:30 PM. To minimize disruption, please arrive early.
CANDIDATES - Our meetings are a great way to learn about neighborhood issues and projects. You will have 1-3 minutes at the end of the meeting to share your platform. We do not allow campaign props, wallpapers and such to advertise or promote a particular office.